Samstag, 19. November 2016

Gilson Rodrigues de Arruda, Imperative Music.

10 Fundamental Things That Big Bands Do!
Revealing the secrets ...
by Gilson Rodrigues de Arruda, Imperative Music.
I've been working since the 90's on the Metal Scene both in Brazil and abroad, and I would like to share what generally famous bands have done in the past, maybe the newcomer bands can learn something of that and benefit in their career .
Also, in addition to my experience in international relations with bands, record companies, stores, media in Europe, United States and Japan, I also graduated in Foreign Trade and I noticed several tools, data, situations and policies in business worldwide so any band can use on promotion and agreements.
Working at the national level is one thing, it is still important to always be a professional, but working at a world level is a step by step, you need improvement, professionalism, dedication, devotion and a lot of patience and humility.
10 Basic Systems in the Heavy Music Business:
1 – This is a business, there will be entrepreneurs/managers wanting to make money with your band, but you can gain space and some money in the right places. If you want to do shows abroad, look for an agency, ask the bands that have worked with it, and if you want to invest in Europe, select key countries like Germany, France, England because in these countries they have a lot of public and many Record-Labels and most important Magazines to try get a record-deal, interviews, merchandise sales, etc.
2 – Do business with everyone, it's not capitalism, but what I want to say is about partnerships, for example, be sure to send your CD to be reviewed in any Fanzine from Bolivia, Lithuania because they are as important as one from Germany or United States. I know about one story that a Swedish band was signed by European Record-Label after having seen the band in an interview on small fanzine from Bolivia, incredible? I've heard and I know some bands that do not interviews with people located in distant/poor countries, or do not send promotional material to get reviews in other parts of the world, what is the advantage in this?
3 –Sent answers to Emails within 24 hours or within a maximum of one week if you are experiencing personal issues. Remember, good care is in fact to keep customers and people will see you as a responsible person for future business. On the Facebook page and other social networks, print your contact addresses (Emails, Postal Address, Website, Phone number).
4 –Learning English is expensive when we are living in poor country and our schools teach almost nothing. At least the band's vocalist/ leader need to master that language, it will be useful, it's something to think about and study.
5 –Having a band is a long-term investment, sometimes it is not with the Debut album that the band will succeed, see the bands from the past, many of them have obtained international contracts with major Record-Label when the band released the second or third album by a small record label of your country as was the case of Behemoth, in these cases, persistence is fundamental.
6 –Promotion has never been and will never be a missed investment. All the Media is a channel to get something different, some readers read only one magazine, and the country may have two magazines, so it would be good to send your promo-CD to both, do you understand? Start broadcasting locally, statewide and later nationally, and when the band is mature and have a very well recorded, mastered, produced album, invest in the international market.
7 –Connection and Cooperation with other bands of its territory and other locations is a great start. Give yourself the confidence and space to learn from everyone else, you will also need to chase after people, and not wait for the phone to ring to get things done. A lot of humility and enthusiasm will be good for building your career in the music world.
8 –If it is not possible on the debut album, make an effort and planning to produce next album in renowned studios. The cover and designer of the CD need to be well presented. The same is about Band Pictures, Video-clip, try a professional production.
9 – Share anything! A tool of our days for Social Networks, but before was photocopies of the Flyers and we sent these little bastards in mail and it worked. Today on Facebook for example, Like and Share makes people aware of the gigs/festival, reviews of their demo or album, information about the release of the CD or T-shirts. Any and all matters about your band is important thing, it's a must share to keep the band up and get new fans, because you think Metallica or Megadeth are every day "spreading the word" with their new videos, comments or something from their private lives? This is a type of "Marketing" to conquer and direct the 'looks' to them. I do not believe that the big bands play only what they want or like, 80% of the repertoire's elaboration is to please, to take advantage of the wave of the current musical scene, as we know, we already had the Hard Rock wave, Grunge wave and Today we are in the Heaviest wave or Extreme, see the great success and interest of the major Record-labels by bands like Behemoth, Amon Amarth, even in movies appeared their songs. Even Dream Theater, Metallica have their recent albums heavier, so the actual trend is extreme Metal, you need to pay attention to and mend this move if your band intends to succeed.
10 – Be yourself, copy is something I would give: It is half way to failure. I know we are all fans of many bands, but, but imitating the voice, the riffs of a big band, can limit the interest of the great majority, be better than the original, is something I have never seen, sincerely. In the Demo era it may even be fun to see a band imitating, playing like such a big band, but when the band is going to release a full length album, better try to be original as much as you can. I know that many bands have influences, but it cannot be a ‘copy’ in the face that anyone says, this is just like that band. The ideal would be someone to say, this band is as good as such and such bands.
I wish all bands good luck and that this report that I described in the years that I have been working in Brazil and the rest of the world can be of some use and improvement in the career of your band!
Gilson Rodrigues de Arruda Imperative Music

We are looking for Death / Black / Thrash / Heavy Metal Bands!

Sonntag, 13. November 2016


I. P. VERLAG - 21:90 €

Es handelt sich hier um eine komplett überarbeitete Neuauflage mit mehr als 100 Seiten, die durch 3 zusätzliche Kapitel entstanden sind. Einige die die Erstauflage schon haben, werden also nur wenig "Neuigkeiten" erfahren.
Hinzu kamen neue Interviews und ein anderes Cover-Artwork von Dean Seagrave (hat auch Cover für Morbid Angel oder Entombed angefertigt).
In diesem Buch findet man die Geschichte des Death Metal, sowie Grindcore. Ich kann mich noch an die alte Zeit der Tapetradern erinnern, damals hat niemand gedacht, daß diese Musik soviel Aufsehen bekommt. Es dachte erst niemand daran, daß diese Bands auch Erfolg haben könnten und manche noch immer ihr Unwesen treiben, auch 2016. Die Auferstehung dieser Musikrichtung war schon phantastisch und brachte damals sehr geniale Bands zum Tageslicht. Bands wie Morbid Angel, Entombed, Obituray, Death, Napalm Death (die hier, wie auch Death sehr oft im Buch erwähnt werden) sind Gruppen, mit denen ich, wie auch Motörhead, Scorpions, Slayer, Iron Maiden, AC/DC aufgewachsen bin. Jedoch gerade diese anderen Bands aus dem Death und Grindcore Bereich waren so interessant, auch gerade, weil diese noch nicht bei jedem bekannt waren und auf dem heimischen Plattenteller oder Tapedecks ihre Runden drehten. Earache Records war damals das Label für diese Bands, sie brachten die Platten ans Licht der Welt und in die Zimmer der jeweiligen Fans. Erst später gab es dann Nuclear Blast und Century Media etc. die sich diesen Bands sowie dieser Musikrichtungen ebenfalls gewidmet hatten. Die Labels merkten dann auch mit diesen Richtungen kann man auch Geld verdienen.
Zurück zum Buch. Alles in allem ein sehr interessantes Buch, was Spaß macht zu lesen. Albert Mudrian hat ein interessantes Buch geschrieben, was für Einsteiger in diese Musikrichtung ebenso toll zu lesen ist wie für die "ollen" Hasen. Dazu kommen die vielen, auch sehr tollen Fotos aus der alten Zeit (wenn man dann schaut, wie die Jungs zum Teil heute ausschauen oder sich darstellen, ist schon hier und da lustig). Neu im Buch, ist auch ein Kapitel über den technisch ausgeprägten Death Metal sowie die zahlreichen Reunions altbekannter Bands (dies wird hier zum Teil doch recht kritisch betrachtet) Wer sich also diesen Bands sowie diesen Musikrichtungen verbunden fühlt, sollte sich dieses Buch auf jedem Fall in sein Regal stellen und immer mal wieder auch darin lesen. Zwar fehlt vielleicht auch die eine oder andere Richtung wie z.b: der Deathcore, aber was ja nicht ist kann ja in der 3. Auflage noch kommen. (wolle)

neues Review - Black Sabbath

31 SONGS - 150:28

Dies ist mal wieder eine Collection, die es zwar irgendwie in sich hat, aber die Frage ist am Ende doch, wer braucht sie.
 Die meisten Fans der Band haben schon zig Sammlungen, Best Of Alben mit fast der gleichen Song-Zusammenstellung. 
Siehe unter anderem "The Best Of Black Sabbath" aus dem Jahre 2009. Klar, Songs wie eben "Paranoid", "Iron Man", "War Pigs",
 "Changes" kann man wohl auch noch in 100 Jahren immer wieder hören und gehören zu jeder guten Metal Party. Aber, genau aber,
 es fehlen einfach auch Songs aus der guten Ronnie James Dio Zeit oder aus der Zeit, als Tony Martin am Mikro stand. Warum man 
diese beiden Herren doch immer wieder gerne ignoriert, muss man als Fan der Band und gerade auch als Fan von Dio nicht wirklich
 verstehen. Ich finde es wirklich sehr schade, da gerade "Heaven And Hell" (1980) mit Ronnie doch zu einem sehr wichtigen 
Bestandteil von Black Sabbath gehört. So gibt es auf diesem Werk hier eben außer remasteredete Songs nicht Neues.
Das aufklappbare Digipak besitzt als Cover das Plakat der Abschiedstour und im Booklet gibt es alte Bilder der Band aus den 
70er Jahren. Es gibt keine Lyrics, keine raren Live oder unveröffentlichte Stücke, einfach nix als Kaufanreiz für die Fans. 
Wirklich sehr schade, und bringt nicht nur meinen Kopf vor Unverständlichkeit zum hin-und-her-wackeln (auch Kopfschütteln genannt). Hier dürften eigentlich "nur" Einsteiger oder "alles Käufer" in den Laden rennen. (wolle)

Donnerstag, 3. November 2016


SADISTIC INTENT / PENTACLE „Invocations of the Death-ridden“ Split MLP

Two Death Metal veterans sharing one 12’inch. SADISTIC INTENT’s side includes brandnew headsplitting high quality recordings with songs that will crucify all disbelievers, PENTACLE’s side contains the missing vinyl songs from their last deathly recording session. Planned for years, finally out!

Attention: Both SADISTIC INTENT and PENTACLE will be on European Tour in November / December!

CLEAR VINYL (lim. 100… NOT in the Webshop!) €20,00

KAM LEE (ex- DEATH/ MASSACRE) “Reclamation of the Fallen” 7″EP 

The very first release of a new band: „KAM LEE“. Kam Lee is known as one of the true pioneers and Tyrants of Death Metal!
He is the legendary vocalist of MASSACRE and one of the founding members of MANTAS / DEATH. This 7“inch EP includes 4 songs!!! Limited edition. Buy or die in hell!

EURYNOMOS „The Trilogy (Singles)" CD

Compliation of the Vinyl EP trilogy (these Eps will not be re-pressed!).
Three 7“Eps with a playing time of 13 minutes/each plus an extra track with „Gone Down in Flames“, all compiled on one album. 
Includes a 20 page booklet with lyrics, photos, etc. 10 songs of Powerful authentic dark and heavy riff Metal that honours the pioneers of the extreme Metal genres.


Debut album of VENUS TORMENT, the band of RIPPER’s vocalist/ axeman Patricio Spalinger. Total lethal Death/Thrash Metal from Chile’s glorious underground, with fast riffing and deadly riffs, reminding of RIPPER, old KREATOR, SEPULTURA, etc

BRANDNEW studio album from the South American Death Metal patriarchs MORTEM! High quality evil n’ daemonic hymns with possessed vocals and total tremolo solo attack. One of the last pure Death Metal bands in the old style à la POSSESSED, early MORBID ANGEL, SLAYER, old DEATH, etc

P.O. Box 1462 
56804 Cochem / Mosel 

Official Webpage:



next Release on Defying Danger Records.....REVEL IN FLESH Tape

Hey Folks,
It´s time to announce our next Release on Defying Danger Records.
We are so fucking proud to tell you it´s gonna be the german old school death metal demolition squad
REVEL IN FLESH with their up-coming brandnew studio album “Emissary Of All Plagues"!

Swabian SweDeath Institution will unleash their new beast of an album, as part #18 of the D.D.R.Tape Series.
will be out 12th december 2016!
So watch out for this new masterpiece, spread the message & stay in contact!
your D.D.R. Team


A1. Emissary Of All Plagues
A2. Casket Ride
A3. Fortress Of Gloom
A4. Servants Of The Deathkult  
A5. Torture Throne

B1. The Dead Lives On  
B2. Lord Of Flesh
B3. Sepulchral Passage  
B4. Dead To This World
B5. Doctor For A Doctor

D.D.R. # 018 REVEL IN FLESH - Emissary Of All Plagues TAPE 

REVEL IN FLESH was formed by Haubersson ex-IMMORTAL RITES in late 2011.
The debut album "Deathevokation" was recorded as a duo with long-time comrade Maggesson DAWN OF DREAMS, APOPHIS etc.
and was highly acclaimed within the underground scene.

Now by the end of 2016 after 2 years of songwriting and recording REVEL IN FLESH are back with their 4th and
probably most melodic album thus far. "Emissary Of All Plagues" is the next logical step in combining atmosphere, groove and pure Death Metal brutality executed in their very own Revelish way! 10x old school Death Metal as it is meant to be!
Unique, fast and with a dangerous voice that gets you right at the neck and don´t forget a little bit melody!

The album was produced by guitar master Maggesson at the band´s own ''Vault M. Studio''. The fantastic Layout by Juanjo Castellano.
For mix and mastering they worked again with none other than the king of SweDeath Dan Swanö (BLOODBATH, EDGE OF SANITY, NIGHTINGALE) at his Unisound Studios!

''Emissary Of All Plagues'' will be limited to handnumbered 300 copies only!
Be aware-to use only for all old school Death Metal Maniacs - you can get it now here in pre-sale with 10% discount!

Current Lineup:

Haubersson (vocals)

Maggesson (guitar)

Herrmannsgard (guitar)

Götzberg (bass)

Vögtsson (drums)

Contact & Booking:

check out the new release live on stage!

Next Gigs:

05.11.16 Karlsruhe - Universität

“Emissary Of All Plagues"- Record Release Party
03.12.16 Aalen  - Rock It

...and still hot:

D.D.R. # 16  NECROMORPH - Under The Flag CD

NECROMOPRH is Grindcore cult from Berlin since 1995,without any convoluted bullshit.
After five years of waiting for some new output NECROMORPH dropped a real bomb at last.

2nd attack "Under The Flag" finally brings 15 brandnew hard-crushing & fast grooving traxx,
Maximum speed meets extreme groove along with a piece of progressive melodies. It’s direct, it’s incisive – it’s Grindcore at its deadly best.

Experience the agony of human being on “Under the Flag”. Fans of Nasum, ROTTEN SOUND, REGURGITATE & NASUM etc. will love it!
Comes with striking poster-booklet! Stay tuned for the grinding madness now!

D.D.R. # 15  HARMONY DIES - Indecent Paths Of A Ramifying Darkness DigCD

Death Metal horde HARMONY DIES is back with their brandnew 4th full lenght album named „Indecent Paths Of A Ramifying Darkness“.
The time of long waiting it´s finally over and the band is ready to win the next Death Metal Battles!

The five mates celebrate their Death Metal sickness since 1992 and now in 2016 after long silence, the empire strikes back with 6 amazing new tracks!

HARMONY DIES„Indecent Paths Of A Ramifying Darkness“ album mixed by them self and mastered by Vintagemastering.
The fantastic artwork-creater was David Kempf.

„Indecent Paths Of A Ramifying Darkness CD”  is released as D.D.R. # 015 in a strictly limited Digisleeve, handnumbered 666 copies only and a apart of the D.D.R. Tapeseries handnumbered 300 copies!!!

Tapeversion has the full "slaughtered" album, as celebration from 20 years anniversary extra on top!
So watch out for the brandnew masterpiece in Death Metal & hurry up for saving your copy!


Defying Danger Records
P.O. Box 100133
06871 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Tel:++49(0)3491 8763318